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AI & Future Tech Case Studies for Nonprofits, Faith-based Orgs, & Churches

Real-life examples of orgs that have taken up the charge of embracing AI and future tech!


In the last article, “Dare to Embrace the Future,” we explored the opportunities and challenges facing nonprofits, faith-based orgs, and churches (NFC’s). This post provides a few real-life examples of orgs that have taken up the charge of embracing AI and future tech.

Case studies you’ll appreciate.

Several organizations have already embarked on this journey, utilizing AI to drive their missions forward:

Salvation Army Technology Roadmap Development
The Salvation Army USA Western Territory worked with the Heller Consulting group to create a strategic technology roadmap. This initiative helped them assess their organizational needs, evaluate their current technology systems, and develop a plan to select software that significantly impacts their operations. Through this process, they focused on articulating their technology goals, outlining the current state of their technology, developing guiding principles and an overall strategy for technology management, prioritizing technology requirements, and creating a clear roadmap for future technology solutions.

NetHope's Strategic Plan for Digital Transformation and Innovation 
NetHope, a consortium of global nonprofits, emphasizes the importance of digital transformation and innovation within the nonprofit sector to bridge new digital divides. Their focus areas include skills and leadership, inclusion, protection, transformation, innovation, and climate adaptation and resilience. NetHope also highlights the augmentation of generative AI skills and practices for nonprofits, aiming to address unique needs through training, sector-appropriate solution scanning, and knowledge exchange.

Greenpeace Australia’s AI-Driven Fundraising Success
Greenpeace Australia successfully utilized Dataro's AI tools to enhance their direct mail donation appeals and reduce churn in their regular giving program. By analyzing historical fundraising, engagement, and communication data, the AI technology identified donors with a high propensity to give, significantly improving ROI and saving estimated costs by retaining donors at risk of churning.

Parkinson’s UK AI-Driven Fundraising Success
Parkinson’s UK leveraged AI to refine its direct mail campaign. It achieved a higher response rate and potential revenue increase by focusing on donors identified through machine learning, demonstrating a more targeted and efficient fundraising strategy​.

TechSoup's Insights on Nonprofits Using AI
TechSoup discusses how AI, including technologies like ChatGPT, can revolutionize nonprofit operations by enabling personalized communication, enhancing fundraising efforts, and optimizing social media and email campaign strategies. Examples include St. Jude Children's Research Hospital leveraging AI for audience testing to grow new donor segments and nonprofits using ChatGPT to create personalized donation appeals and engaging content across digital platforms​.

AI Primer for Non-Profit Orgs

Here’s a great resource and primer for engaging AI in our orgs:
Artificial Intelligence for NonProfits: Complete Explainer

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