Faith-Fueled Futurism

African American History’s Inspired Mark on Tomorrow


or for the academics reading “Technological Praxis for the Christian-Futurist Present: Lessons from African American History that Reflect Humanities Future Proliferation” …

Throughout history, technology and theology (and perhaps philosophy) have often run parallel courses, intersecting at pivotal moments to shape our human experiences. As we stand on the cusp of a new technological era, we are experiencing another moment of merging as we navigate the future. This article seeks to explore this fusion through the lens of African American history, drawing lessons that carry profound implications for our time and beyond.

Table of Contents

1. Power & Communications are Paramount for Mission Relief

Hurricane Katrina (August 2005)

Hurricane Katrina is one of the deadliest hurricanes ever to hit the US. Over 1,800 people lost their lives because of the storm, and the damage was catastrophic, costing around $125 billion. Katrina hit New Orleans and the surrounding areas particularly hard, causing massive flooding. The levee system, which was supposed to protect the city from flooding, failed in several places. Loss of power and communication systems made it incredibly difficult for rescue teams to reach people who needed help and for families to stay in touch. It took weeks, and in some areas months, to restore electricity and phone service, which slowed down the recovery process.

Haiti Earthquake (2010)

On January 12, 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti, just southwest of the capital, Port-au-Prince. The death toll was staggering, with estimates ranging from 100,000 to over 300,000 people. This earthquake caused damage costing between $8 billion to $14 billion. Haiti's infrastructure was severely affected, with buildings, roads, and communication systems destroyed. The loss of power and communications greatly complicated rescue efforts and the delivery of aid. Hospitals, schools, and homes were reduced to rubble, making the living conditions for survivors extremely difficult and hindering the country's ability to recover.

Hurricane Sandy (2012)

Hurricane Sandy, also known as "Superstorm Sandy," struck in October 2012, affecting the East Coast of the United States, particularly New York and New Jersey. Sandy resulted in the deaths of at least 233 people across eight countries from the Caribbean to Canada. In the United States alone, the storm caused an estimated $65 billion in damage. The impact of Sandy was made worse by power outages that affected millions of people, some for an extended period. The loss of electricity hampered emergency services, caused widespread fuel shortages, and left many without heat as cold weather approached. Communication networks were down, leaving many people unable to contact friends, family, or emergency services.

In all these disasters, the breakdown of power and communication systems not only made the immediate aftermath more chaotic but also slowed down recovery efforts significantly. These events highlight the critical importance of resilient infrastructure and efficient emergency planning and response to mitigate the impacts of such devastating natural disasters.

Committing to the Charge

In the wake of natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, and the Haiti earthquake, the critical need for resilient power and communication infrastructure becomes glaringly evident. For Christian organizations and those guided by a high moral compass, ensuring the availability of reliable power and communication channels is essential, not just supplementary, to their mission of providing relief. These elements are as crucial as food, water, and shelter in disaster response efforts.

Power and communications serve as lifelines that enable the coordination of aid, delivery of services, and the maintenance of safety and security for affected communities. They allow for the rapid dissemination of information, coordination of rescue and relief efforts, and the sustenance of hope among those impacted. By prioritizing these infrastructural needs, faith-based and high-moral-compass organizations can significantly enhance their effectiveness in alleviating suffering and rebuilding lives in the aftermath of disasters. This commitment reflects the deep values of compassion, stewardship, and community support that are at the heart of their missions, demonstrating a holistic approach to caring for the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals in crisis.

2. A Technological Reconstruction is Required ASAP

Booker T. Washington: infrastructure/industrial futurist

Post slavery's abolition, visionaries like Booker T. Washington understood the crucial role that education and skill development would play in empowering African Americans. He may have very well been an  infrastructure/industrial futurist  - recognizing the value in having African Americans self-sufficiently create and maintain their own infrastructure for the purpose of future sustainability.

Washington advocated for the establishment of institutions that offered practical, industrial, and infrastructure training. These certifications and skills would enable African Americans not just to participate in but to innovate within the educational, economic, and ultimately, political systems of a post-slavery America. His foresight led to the creation of a network of educational establishments, including the renowned Tuskegee Institute, which prioritized agricultural, mechanical, and industrial education. His efforts extended beyond Tuskegee, as he was involved in the establishment of over 5,000 schools for African American children across the rural South, along with numerous other educational and economic development projects aimed at improving the lives of Black Americans.

Washington's legacy saw the birth of numerous institutions and projects under his leadership or influence. Aside from Tuskegee, which became a model for vocational education, he was instrumental in launching various initiatives and programs designed to enhance the skills and economic prospects of African Americans. These included educational programs for teachers, agricultural extension work, the development of small industries, and even the mobilization of financial and political support for these initiatives.

More Than Just Having Gadgets

In the current digital age, we can draw a parallel to the need for a "technological reconstruction" to address the ethical and moral implications of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies. Just as Booker T. Washington foresaw the necessity for Black Americans to be architects of their own destiny through education and skill development, today we who work and serve in the moral and ethical domains face the imperative to govern the use of AI to prevent unethical applications and to protect society from potential harms.

We must not only become adept users of modern gadgets but also understand the mechanisms that operate behind the scenes. To ensure that technology serves the greater good, to ensure our privacy is maintained, and to ensure we are not taken advantage of digitally, we must foster a culture of responsible innovation and equip - current and -future generations with the knowledge and critical thinking skills required to navigate the complexities of a technologically advanced world. This includes creating and supporting programs, opportunities, institutions, and even education at home that specialize in the ethical development, deployment, and regulation of AI, ensuring that technology is harnessed to enhance human capabilities and uphold our shared values. We should want to equip individuals not just with gadgets, but with a deep knowledge of how things work.

3. A New Technological Diaspora is Upon Us Now

As we stand at the intersection of faith and innovation, it is vital to recognize the unfolding Technological Diaspora — a movement as significant as the early Christian diaspora post-AD 70 and the African diaspora during the era of the Great Atlantic Slave Trade. These historical dispersals were not merely about the forced relocation of peoples but (painfully so) were also pivotal in broadcasting transformative ideas — spreading the gospel and the rich tapestry of African identity and culture — worldwide.

The diasporas experienced by the early Christians and Africans has left an indelible mark on the world, acting as a conduit for change and a bearer of new paradigms. As people were scattered, they took with them their beliefs, traditions, and innovations, embedding these within the fabric of new societies. They also presented a challenging aspect in regard to how those who were displaced could maintain their cultural and theological beliefs while forced from their homelands.

Similarly, the Black Technological Diaspora holds the potential to weave our cultural and spiritual values into the global digital narrative, ensuring they play a central role in shaping the future.

A new technological and geographical divide is now a catalyst for a new kind of scattering — one that pushes the ideals of faith and culture to reaches beyond our planet. This dispersion presents opportunities for new forms of knowledge, efficiency, and pleasure, but it is not without challenges; it necessitates a keen awareness of how our cultural identities might evolve. For those whose origins stem from the African continent, many have, at best, retained fragments of their heritage, but others have been separated by time and geography, culturally castrated from their origins. And yes, the Gospel of Christ has gone nearly “to the ends of the earth,” but even Christianity, over the ages, has persisted in a consistent struggle over the truth of its historical and theological origins.

As we forge pathways into the digital realm, it is crucial to maintain the essence of our heritage and faith, adapting to new mediums while holding steadfast to our historical connections - but those challenges steep greater as we consider a world beyond our planet. This is not science-fiction, but science fact!

Consider these science facts:

The Impending Transition: From International Space Station to Deep Space Exploration

As we approach the 2030 retirement of the International Space Station, we stand on the precipice of a permanent anchoring in deep space. The words of the International Space Station Director resonate deeply: "This third decade is one of results..." This impending transition echoes the diasporas of the past, where new horizons beckoned and brought with them profound shifts in cultural and spiritual dynamics.

The Personal Touchstone: A Family's Journey to the Stars

On a more personal note, the diaspora is not an abstract concept. My son, a 9th grader, stands at the threshold of joining this new wave of explorers as he is already being considered for the US Naval Academy, and I am actively discussing with him the potential of becoming an officer in the US Space Force. The reality of our children being part of a workforce that operates in governmental military space service, or even within the realms of corporate and business governance in space, brings an immediacy to our discussions. It is a testament to the fact that the diaspora into space is not a distant future but a present consideration.

And as all this occurs, how do we sustain the cultural foundations, historical accuracies, theological principals, and faith that make us who we are while at the same time safeguarding humanity so as to ensure we do not repeat chattel slavery or lifelong indentured slavery in the endless frontier called space?


As we reflect on the content of this post, we realize that the paths charted by African American history are not just routes into the past, but blueprints for us all to glean for the future. The impending technological diaspora challenges us to carry forward the enduring spirit of resilience and innovation that has long been a hallmark of the Black experience. It is a universal call to action that transcends race and ethnicity, urging all people to harness these lessons for a future where technology serves humanity with equity and justice.

The future that beckons us — from deep space exploration to the digital realms we navigate daily — demands that we take these insights seriously. As we honor the contributions and sacrifices of those who came before us, let’s affirm our collective responsibility to ensure that the technological advances we make and the new frontiers we explore uplift the dignity and worth of every human being.

As we step into the future, our faith and cultural heritage across the globe must act as the sentinels for the next wave of challenges. In the same way that the diasporas of old spread the seeds of faith and culture, we must now sow the principles of equity and justice in the digital landscape and beyond, ensuring that our collective future is one marked by dignity for all.

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